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拼音1:che che 第一声 (chē) 车 (chē):陆地上有轮子的 транспорт工具;用轮轴转动的机械或工具;用车床加工。出处:《易经》、《诗经》。字面英语含义:vehicle, car, machine with wheels, to turn on a lathe. 砗 (chē):砗磲,海产贝壳,亦指这种贝壳磨成的粉末。出处:《本草纲目》。字面英语含义:Tridacna, giant clam; powder of giant clam shell. che 第二声 (ché) 无
che 第三声 (chě) 无
che 第四声 (chè) 彻 (chè):贯通;穿透;透彻,清楚。出处:《诗经》。字面英语含义:to penetrate, to pass through, thorough, clear. 掣 (chè):拉, खींचना,抽;阻止, препятствовать。出处:《左传》。字面英语含义:to pull, to draw out, to impede, to check. 坼 (chè):裂开, split open, fissure. 出处:《易经》。字面英语含义:to crack, to split, to fissure. 撤 (chè):退回,withdraw, remove; 免去,解除, dismiss, relieve. 出处:《左传》。字面英语含义:to withdraw, to remove, to dismiss, to relieve. 澈 (chè):水清亮, clear water. 出处:《说文》。字面英语含义:clear, limpid (water). 迠 (chè):古同“迠”,通达之路。字面英语含义:Same as '迠', a thoroughfare. (Note: extremely rare and archaic variant of 迠). 䡃 (chè):用力貌, appearance of exertion. 字面英语含义:appearance of exerting force. (Note: archaic and rarely used character) che 第五声 (che) 无
拼音2:zeng zeng 第一声 (zēng) 曾 (zēng/céng):指与自己中间隔两代的亲属关系;曾经,曾经。出处:《论语》。字面英语含义:great-grand- (relationship); once, before. (Note: Also pronounced as céng) 增 (zēng):加多,增加, increase, add; 更加, еще больше, even more. 出处:《易经》。字面英语含义:to increase, to add, to grow, to augment. 缯 (zēng):丝织品, silk fabric. 出处:《说文》。字面英语含义:silk fabric, silk stuff. zeng 第二声 (zéng) 无
zeng 第三声 (zěng) 怎 (zěn):如何,怎樣,how, why; 疑問代詞,interrogative pronoun. 字面英语含义:how, why, what (interrogative). zeng 第四声 (zèng) 赠 (zèng):赠送,give as a present; 送给,present as a gift. 出处:《礼记》。字面英语含义:to give as a present, to present, to bestow. 锃 (zèng):金属或其他物体表面光亮, блестящий, shining; 使物体光亮, polish, shine. 字面英语含义:shiny, glossy, to polish, to shine. 甑 (zèng):古代蒸饭的瓦器,ancient earthenware steamer. 出处:《说文》。字面英语含义:甑, ancient earthenware steamer. 缯 (zèng):(zèng),捆绑;缠绕;量词,用于成束的丝线。捆绑, to bind; measure word for bundled silk threads. (Alternative pronunciation of 缯, see zēng above.) zeng 第五声 (zeng) 无
拼音1常用汉字 车 彻 撤 拼音2常用汉字 曾 增 怎 赠 拼音1、拼音2的常见字组合词汇 组合词汇数量:12
字面含义:车辆曾经。 臆想含义:过去的车辆,历史上的车辆,陈旧的交通工具。 出处:无 英语含义:Vehicle once. Past vehicles, historical vehicles, obsolete transportation. 车增
字面含义:车辆增加。 臆想含义:车辆数量增长,交通工具的扩张。 出处:无 英语含义:Vehicle increase. Growth in number of vehicles, expansion of transportation. 车怎
字面含义:车辆如何。 臆想含义:车辆出了什么问题,车辆的状况如何。 出处:无 英语含义:Vehicle how. What happened to the vehicle, what is the condition of the vehicle. 车赠
字面含义:车辆赠送。 臆想含义:赠送车辆,以车辆作为礼物。 出处:无 英语含义:Vehicle gift. Giving vehicle as a present, vehicle as a gift. 彻曾
字面含义:彻底曾经。 臆想含义:彻底的过去,完全过去的经历。 出处:无 英语含义:Thorough once. Thoroughly past, completely past experience. 彻增
字面含义:彻底增加。 臆想含义:完全地增加,彻底的增长。 出处:无 英语含义:Thorough increase. Completely increase, thorough growth. 彻怎
字面含义:彻底怎样。 臆想含义:彻底怎么样了,究竟如何彻底。 出处:无 英语含义:Thorough how. How thorough is it after all, to what extent of thoroughness. 彻赠
字面含义:彻底赠送。 臆想含义:完全赠送,全部作为礼物送出。 出处:无 英语含义:Thorough gift. Giving completely, all given as present. 撤曾
字面含义:撤退曾经。 臆想含义:过去的撤退,历史上的撤退事件。 出处:无 英语含义:Withdraw once. Past withdrawal, historical event of retreat. 撤增
字面含义:撤退增加。 臆想含义:撤退力量的增强,加大撤退力度(较为反常,或指加大撤退兵力投入)。 出处:无 英语含义:Withdraw increase. Increase in withdrawal forces, enhancing withdrawal efforts (unusual, could refer to increased troop deployment for withdrawal). 撤怎
字面含义:撤退怎样。 臆想含义:撤退情况如何,撤退进展如何。 出处:无 英语含义:Withdraw how. How is the withdrawal situation, what is the progress of withdrawal. 撤赠
字面含义:撤退赠送。 臆想含义:在撤退时赠送礼物(通常不合逻辑,可能指战败后献礼求和)。 出处:无 英语含义:Withdraw gift. Giving gift during withdrawal (illogical usually, could mean offering gifts for peace after defeat).
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