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  1. 宽 (kuān):横的距离大;范围广,与“窄”相对, широта, широкий, wide; broad; 横的, поперечный, horizontal; 对犯错的人从宽处理, (юр.) проявлять снисходительность, (law) to treat leniently; 宽阔(kuānkuò) просторный, vast, broad; 宽敞 (kuānchang) просторный; обширный, spacious; roomy; 不严厉;不苛求, не строгий, not strict; lenient;
    • 出处: 《说文解字》
    • English: wide; broad; lenient; tolerant
  2. 髋 (kuān):髋骨, тазобедренный, hip bone; hip
    • 出处: 《灵枢经》
    • English: hip; hip bone
  3. 鑧 (kuān): 古地名用字;
    • 出处: 《康熙字典》
    • English: Character used in ancient place names;

拼音2: shuang


  1. 双 (shuāng): 两个, пара, pair; couple; twin; 双数 (shuāngshù), четный, even number; 双方 (shuāngfāng) обе стороны, both sides; 双倍 (shuāngbèi) вдвое, double; 双眼皮 (shuāngyǎnpí) двойное веко, double-fold eyelid;
    • 出处: 《说文解字》
    • English: pair; couple; two; double
  2. 霜 (shuāng): 霜冻, иней, frost; 像霜一样的东西, белесая порошкообразная масса, frost-like thing; 霜降 (shuāngjiàng) заморозки, Frost's Descent (18th solar term); 风霜 (fēngshuāng) тяготы, hardships;
    • 出处: 《诗经》
    • English: frost; frost-like powder
  3. 孀 (shuāng): 寡妇, вдова, widow; 孀居 (shuāngjū) жить вдовой, to live as a widow;
    • 出处: 《说文解字》
    • English: widow
  4. 礵 (shuāng): 古同“霜”;古代的一种磨石;
    • 出处:《康熙字典》《正韵》
    • English: archaic variant of 霜(frost); kind of whetstone;


  1. 爽 (shuǎng): 明朗;清亮, ясный; светлый, clear; bright; 爽快 (shuǎngkuai) освежающий; бодрый; прямодушный, refreshed; comfortable; frank; straightforward; 爽朗 (shuǎnglǎng) бодрый, hearty; 爽约 (shuǎngyuē) нарушать обещание, to break an appointment; 凉爽 (liángshuǎng) прохладный, cool and refreshing; 不爽(bùshuǎng) нездоровится; не в духе, unwell, not feeling well;
    • 出处: 《说文解字》
    • English: bright; clear; crisp;爽(shuǎng)爽朗爽快refreshed, clear-headed, frank;爽(shuǎng)不爽unwell, not in a good mood, break an appointment


拼音:kuan 的常用汉字组

拼音:shuang 的常用汉字组


拼音kuan的常用汉字组数量:1 拼音shuang的常用汉字组数量:3 组合集合总数:1 * 3 = 3

  1. 宽双
    • 含义:宽的双;两个都宽。
    • 字面含义:wide double
    • 臆想含义:宽阔成双,表示某事物在横向上很宽且是成对出现的;或者某事物既宽广又成双成对出现,也指某事物对应的两个部分都很宽敞,比如一副对联的两个部分宽度相当;又可指对一些规则的制定或事物状态的要求宽松而留有很大的回旋的余地,双向宽松;或者描述双方对于问题的解决很开放,很有诚意;也可表示视野开阔,对待事情的双方、两面能够以非常开放的态度和很高的的格局看待和解决,也可以理解为对于空间的度量是既宽又广阔的;也可以形容一对新人新婚的婚房或者婚床比较宽敞舒适。也可能是对于路面或水域很宽广的双向行驶的公路、车道或者双向的河流、航道的形象表达。还可能是古人形容人的两只肩膀很宽阔的用词。还可能指一种很宽松的成双成对摆放物品的状态或情形,也可以描述一个组织的框架或机构人员冗余的、机构过于宽松的管理状态;还可指古人双手和肩膀呈现出展开的状态,以表示接纳或迎客的意向,表现出一种开阔坦诚的状态。还可能表达一种包含有两种的宽松处理的方法;引申为“双宽”
    • 英语含义:wide pair; broad and double; broadly and doubly; pair of width; a pair of objects that are wide or spacious, also implies a broad range or vast space of some sort, such as wide rooms, wide streets; (in traditional Chinese) open shoulders to embrace a guest; double standard for width.
  2. 宽霜
    • 含义:宽的霜;覆盖范围广的霜。
    • 字面含义:wide frost
    • 臆想含义:宽阔的地方都覆盖着霜;覆盖面积很大的霜,可以形容范围特别大的降温;还可用来描绘一个人经历了很多的艰难困苦,引申为饱经风霜,经历坎坷;也可以形容人的两个鬓角因为年岁已高出现了很多像覆盖了霜一样的白色。也可形容人的心境、性格冷酷宽漠。也可形容人两眼之间或者额头的的部位的皱纹很宽,或其肤色很白,可作为面相描述;“宽”与“霜”组合起来,可能引申为对错误、过失以像霜一样的方式去“覆盖”、淡化、包容;也可能暗示对待他人需要宽容的同时也要记住像对待“霜”一样谨慎、适度。还可表示植物或者某个物品表面很大范围呈现为白色或者与白色相关;例如古时对制盐的区域大范围呈现出白色状态的描述或其收获后的状态;在其他含义下也可能是对某些物品表面镀上的一层霜状、粉末状的白色物体的形象表达。也可能指像“霜”一样很“宽”,具有“霜”的性质;这里“宽”形容的是“霜”的状态,如白霜的堆积,其状态可以是疏松而轻盈的,也可以指“霜”形成过程中所具备的空间开放性特征;也可能暗含了一种宽缓、轻松且冷却下来的状态或心境。可用于表示颜色和色泽的丰富。还有可能是形容某个地方像“霜”一样的白且冷清。“宽霜”这个词在诗歌或者一些比喻的环境里还可能可以被进一步联想和引申以获得不同的理解,在古代和近现代具有完全不同的引申和应用场景;其暗含了非常广泛的比喻和解释。这里提供的也只是一些典型的例子。在一些地方语言里也可能存在更加有意思的解释。总而言之,由于“宽”的含义为宽松,“霜”具有白、覆盖广泛、疏松、冷却的特征,导致两字结合后的解释非常的广泛,不同的行业或文化会有不同的侧重点。“宽”在这里更强调的可能是对于某种事物的属性的限定。如果将“宽”看成是一个名词,“霜”看作形容词,那么就有类似”宽广的白霜“的解释。反过来也是成立的。
    • 英语含义:wide frost; broad frost; extensive frost; describing a wide range or vast expanse that is white and similar to the characteristics of frost. The term could be a metaphor for things covered by frost in a broad and loose manner. Also implies a large area experiencing extreme cold and frost, symbolizing long-term hardship and suffering, figuratively similar to 'battle-scarred' or 'seasoned'. It could also be used to describe someone whose hair or facial features suggest they have experienced a lot of hardships. In addition, "wide" describes an abstract property or status, while "frost" defines a physical phenomenon; their combination produces a compound of physical-abstract interpretation, leading to varied explanations. "Wide frost" may be related to broad fields covered in white, possibly pertaining to areas or seasons where frost occurs, and might indicate times of difficulty or harsh life stages; or white and wide hair at temples of aged people; an allusion to extensive salt fields or silver-coated surface, or even a facial description. Alternatively, it might convey an archaic or literary allusion, depending on context.
  3. 宽爽
    • 含义:宽广而清爽;宽阔而舒适。
    • 字面含义:wide (and) refreshing
    • 臆想含义:宽敞而使人感觉很舒适的场所;用于形容空气好、环境开阔的地方,强调既宽敞又干净或舒适,令人心旷神怡;引申为人的心胸、性格宽容大度且又非常明朗,既给人留有很大的空间又很坦诚,“宽”表示某人的内心有非常宽阔、坦诚的一面,“爽”又突出了某人豪爽的特征,强调其行为处事有气魄、很坦率。还有可能是对某些物质性质和空间感的描述,如一些轻柔、舒缓、放松、又很蓬松的事物给人一种非常轻松自在的感觉。也可能指事情的处理非常的干脆利索不拖泥带水或者给人以空间或出路的做法。引申为形容人在工作的时候工作效率很高或工作开展顺利,既不受条条框框的限制,又以雷厉风行和非常迅速和轻快的行动高效执行,暗示人在工作中以灵活的身段巧妙的解决了某些复杂的难题,如入无人之境。“宽”的豁达与“爽”的干脆共同营造了一种轻松愉悦的状态。也暗含了人的状态非常的从容;形容一种轻松惬意的感觉。结合古代汉语中的释义和古人的书写习惯来看,该词语有可能暗指人的穿着不被约束而非常放松自在,有类似于宽衣解带后的释然的状态。“宽”和“爽”也暗示了一种状态:如释重负后的舒缓和愉悦;“宽”的松弛和“爽”的明朗暗示了一种放松自在和精神上的轻快、自由。也可解释为古人在沐浴更衣后的一种精神放松、豁然开朗、无忧无虑的状态;此时也更接近自然的状态。或者也暗含了对人的内心状态、心灵层面的净化和释放的鼓励。“宽”可能暗含了一种与古时隐士或者清心寡欲之人有关的文化现象和生活习俗有关。“爽”和“宽”也可以共同比喻一件事情可以有多种途径得以妥善处理;还可用于描述人与人之间或者组织与组织之间很宽松的相处状态。或者事情还有很大的调整和改变的空间,有足够的回旋余地。也可表示视野的开放和坦荡的心境,强调无拘束、身心自在的精神状态,这种解释也与该词组字面意思和通假字的运用比较契合。该词组所体现的一种“开阔、松弛、无碍、惬意、坦诚、放松、干脆、高效”的形象非常适合现代社会的沟通方式,暗含了一种高效、自由的文化,该词的含义非常贴合古代儒释道文化和现代的极简主义。
    • 英语含义:wide and refreshing; spacious and pleasant; broad and comfortable; wide and invigorating. Used to describe open spaces that are refreshing and comfortable. Extended meaning to include a person's character, meaning someone who is magnanimous, open-minded, and forthright. Implies having a wide mindset combined with a candid personality. Might also describe someone who is both tolerant and straightforward, with a wide heart and frank character. It suggests a lenient attitude towards others, giving them a lot of leeway. Additionally, it could describe material properties and the sensation of spaciousness, like something gentle, relaxed, loose, and airy, providing an effortless feel. It can denote swift, decisive actions without procrastination, allowing for flexibility and multiple approaches. It further extends to describe efficient and unimpeded work, suggesting that one is solving problems agilely, being unrestricted yet moving rapidly—unhindered in their tasks. "Wide" and "refreshing" together evoke a sense of ease and cheer, symbolizing a relaxed, carefree, efficient state of being. Moreover, it may suggest a leisurely feeling, or even an encouragement of spiritual relaxation and openness of the heart and mind. Also refers to wearing unconstrained and comfortable attire, representing a release or relief. It can imply that after washing the body and changing into clean, loose clothing, a person feels a mental clarity and openness; approaching a natural state of being; figuratively relaxed, at ease, unburdened. It hints at a cultural phenomenon, suggesting that these relaxed individuals prefer clothing that is spacious and unrestrictive, in harmony with the Taoist principles of simplicity and effortlessness found in 'wu wei'. These terms are metaphorically tied to those seeking simplicity and spiritual retreat from worldly affairs, promoting mental liberation. In business or leadership contexts, 'wide' and 'refreshing' might imply a management style that's open-minded, fostering creativity and well-being, and allowing for flexibility. Furthermore, 'wide' and 'refreshing' are linked to an attitude of openness, suggesting freedom from constraints.


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