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随机阅读 乱读书
- 乱 (luàn) - 没有秩序;骚动;战争;任意地,胡乱地。乱, disorder, chaos, rebellion, arbitrarily
- 卵 (luǎn) - 动物或昆虫的卵;像卵的东西。卵, egg, ovum
- 峦 (luán) - 连绵的山峰。峦, continuous mountains, peaks
- 挛 (luán) - 卷曲,收缩;拘挛,痉挛。挛, contract, cramp, spasm
- 鸾 (luán) - 传说中凤凰一类的鸟;鸾铃;古同“銮”,帝王的车驾。鸾, mythical bird similar to phoenix, bells on harness, imperial carriage
- 栾 (luán) - 树名,栾树;姓氏。栾, Koelreuteria paniculata tree, surname
- 銮 (luán) - 古代帝王的车驾。銮, imperial carriage
- 滦 (Luán) - 滦河,水名,在中国河北省。滦, Luan River
- 孪 (luán) - 双生子,孪生。孪, twins, twin
- 娈 (luán) - 美好;男色。娈, beautiful, male beauty (archaic)
- 銮 (luán) - 古代皇帝车驾上的铃 (variant of 鑾)
- 圞 (luán) - 团,圆。圞, round, spherical
- 脔 (luán) - 切成小块的肉。脔, meat cut into small pieces
- 灓 (luán) - 水流回旋的样子, swirling water
- 羉 (luán) - 细网, fine net
- 癴 (luán) - 曲, 弯曲, curved, bent
- 臠 (luán) - 切成小块的肉 (variant of 脔)
- 都 (dū) - 都市,城市;国都;总,全。都 (dū), capital, city, metropolis, all, total
- 嘟 (dū) - 象声词,形容说话的声音或喇叭声。嘟 (dū), beep, honk, murmur
- 督 (dū) - 监督;督促;统率。督 (dū), supervise, urge, command, governor
- 毒 (dú) - 有毒的;毒药;毒害;怨恨。毒 (dú), poison, venom, toxic, malicious, venomous
- 读 (dú) - 看书并念出声来;阅读;学习。读 (dú), read, study
- 渎 (dú) - 轻慢,不尊敬;沟渠,小渠。渎 (dú), disrespect, ditch, channel
- 牍 (dú) - 古代写字用的木片。牍 (dú), wooden tablet for writing
- 犊 (dú) - 小牛,牛犊。犊 (dú), calf
- 独 (dú) - 单独;独自;仅仅,只。独 (dú), alone, solitary, only, single
- 椟 (dú) - 匣子,小柜子。椟 (dú), small box, casket
- 髑 (dú) - 髑髅,死人头骨。髑 (dú), skull
- 黩 (dú) - 污辱,轻慢;贪婪。黩 (dú), insult, disgrace, greedy
- 笃 (dǔ) - 忠实,专一;结实;病沉重。笃 (dǔ), faithful, devoted, firm, serious illness
- 堵 (dǔ) - 堵塞;阻挡;墙。堵 (dǔ), block up, stop, wall
- 睹 (dǔ) - 看见,看到。睹 (dǔ), see, witness
- 赌 (dǔ) - 用财物作注来争输赢。赌 (dǔ), gamble, bet
- 暏 (dǔ) - 明亮 (archaic), bright
- 暏 (dǔ) - 暴 (archaic), violent
- 肚 (dù) - 肚子;腹部;像肚子样的东西。肚 (dù), belly, abdomen, stomach, something like belly
- 度 (dù) - 量长短;程度;过,经历;次,回。度 (dù), degree, extent, pass, spend, times, frequency
- 渡 (dù) - 渡过,由此到彼;横渡;渡船。渡 (dù), cross, ferry, tide over
- 镀 (dù) - 在金属表面 покрывать налётом;镀金。镀 (dù), plate, gild, coat
- 妒 (dù) - 嫉妒,忌妒。妒 (dù), jealous, envy
- 杜 (dù) - 杜绝;姓氏。杜 (dù), stop, prevent, surname, genus name du
- 芏 (dù) - 多年生草本植物,叶子可编席子。芏 (dù), sedge, plant for weaving mats
- 蠹 (dù) - 蛀虫;损害。蠹 (dù), moth, borer, damage, harm
- 肚 (dǔ) - 猪肚子 (informal/regional for pig stomach)
- 酘 (dòu) - 醇厚的酒, mellow wine (sometimes indexed under 'du' in dictionaries)
- 斁 (dù) - 败坏;厌恶, to ruin, detest
- 阇 (dū) - 门上的楼台, tower above gate
- 鍍 (dù) - 镀 (variant of 鍍)
- 乱都 (luàn dū) - 混乱都市, Chaotic capital
- 乱嘟 (luàn dū) - 混乱嘟囔声, Chaotic murmuring
- 乱督 (luàn dū) - 混乱督促, Chaotic supervising
- 乱毒 (luàn dú) - 混乱毒害, Chaotic poison
- 乱读 (luàn dú) - 混乱阅读, Chaotic reading
- 乱渎 (luàn dú) - 混乱渎职, Chaotic disrespect
- 乱牍 (luàn dú) - 混乱牍片, Chaotic tablets
- 乱犊 (luàn dú) - 混乱牛犊, Chaotic calves
- 乱独 (luàn dú) - 混乱孤独, Chaotic loneliness
- 乱椟 (luàn dú) - 混乱匣子, Chaotic boxes
- 乱髑 (luàn dú) - 混乱髑髅, Chaotic skulls
- 乱黩 (luàn dú) - 混乱黩武, Chaotic warmongering
- 乱笃 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱笃实, Chaotic faithfulness
- 乱堵 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱堵塞, Chaotic blockage
- 乱睹 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱目睹, Chaotic witnessing
- 乱赌 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱赌博, Chaotic gambling
- 乱暏 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱明亮 (archaic), Chaotic brightness
- 乱暏 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱暴行 (archaic), Chaotic violence
- 乱肚 (luàn dù) - 混乱肚子, Chaotic belly
- 乱度 (luàn dù) - 混乱程度, Chaotic degree
- 乱渡 (luàn dù) - 混乱渡过, Chaotic crossing
- 乱镀 (luàn dù) - 混乱镀层, Chaotic plating
- 乱妒 (luàn dù) - 混乱嫉妒, Chaotic jealousy
- 乱杜 (luàn dù) - 混乱杜绝, Chaotic prevention
- 乱芏 (luàn dù) - 混乱芏草, Chaotic sedge
- 乱蠹 (luàn dù) - 混乱蛀虫, Chaotic moths
- 乱肚 (luàn dǔ) - 混乱猪肚, Chaotic pig stomach
- 乱酘 (luàn dòu) - 混乱醇酒, Chaotic mellow wine
- 乱斁 (luàn dù) - 混乱败坏, Chaotic ruin
- 乱阇 (luàn dū) - 混乱阇楼, Chaotic gate tower
- 乱鍍 (luàn dù) - 混乱镀层, Chaotic plating (variant)
- 卵都 (luǎn dū) - 卵子都市, Egg city
- 卵嘟 (luǎn dū) - 卵子嘟囔声, Egg murmuring
- 卵督 (luǎn dū) - 卵子督促, Egg supervising
- 卵毒 (luǎn dú) - 卵子毒性, Egg toxicity
- 卵读 (luǎn dú) - 卵子阅读, Egg reading
- 卵渎 (luǎn dú) - 卵子渎职, Egg disrespect
- 卵牍 (luǎn dú) - 卵子牍片, Egg tablets
- 卵犊 (luǎn dú) - 卵子牛犊, Egg calves
- 卵独 (luǎn dú) - 卵子孤独, Egg loneliness
- 卵椟 (luǎn dú) - 卵子匣子, Egg boxes
- 卵髑 (luǎn dú) - 卵子髑髅, Egg skulls
- 卵黩 (luǎn dú) - 卵子黩武, Egg warmongering
- 卵笃 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子笃实, Egg faithfulness
- 卵堵 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子堵塞, Egg blockage
- 卵睹 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子目睹, Egg witnessing
- 卵赌 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子赌博, Egg gambling
- 卵暏 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子明亮 (archaic), Egg brightness
- 卵暏 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子暴行 (archaic), Egg violence
- 卵肚 (luǎn dù) - 卵子肚子, Egg belly
- 卵度 (luǎn dù) - 卵子程度, Egg degree
- 卵渡 (luǎn dù) - 卵子渡过, Egg crossing
- 卵镀 (luǎn dù) - 卵子镀层, Egg plating
- 卵妒 (luǎn dù) - 卵子嫉妒, Egg jealousy
- 卵杜 (luǎn dù) - 卵子杜绝, Egg prevention
- 卵芏 (luǎn dù) - 卵子芏草, Egg sedge
- 卵蠹 (luǎn dù) - 卵子蛀虫, Egg moths
- 卵肚 (luǎn dǔ) - 卵子猪肚, Egg pig stomach
- 卵酘 (luǎn dòu) - 卵子醇酒, Egg mellow wine
- 卵斁 (luǎn dù) - 卵子败坏, Egg ruin
- 卵阇 (luǎn dū) - 卵子阇楼, Egg gate tower
- 卵鍍 (luǎn dù) - 卵子镀层, Egg plating (variant)
- 峦都 (luán dū) - 山峦都市, Mountain city
- 峦嘟 (luán dū) - 山峦嘟囔声, Mountain murmuring
- 峦督 (luán dū) - 山峦督促, Mountain supervising
- 峦毒 (luán dú) - 山峦毒气, Mountain poison
- 峦读 (luán dú) - 山峦阅读, Mountain reading
- 峦渎 (luán dú) - 山峦渎职, Mountain disrespect
- 峦牍 (luán dú) - 山峦牍片, Mountain tablets
- 峦犊 (luán dú) - 山峦牛犊, Mountain calves
- 峦独 (luán dú) - 山峦孤独, Mountain loneliness
- 峦椟 (luán dú) - 山峦匣子, Mountain boxes
- 峦髑 (luán dú) - 山峦髑髅, Mountain skulls
- 峦黩 (luán dú) - 山峦黩武, Mountain warmongering
- 峦笃 (luán dǔ) - 山峦笃实, Mountain faithfulness
- 峦堵 (luán dǔ) - 山峦堵塞, Mountain blockage
- 峦睹 (luán dǔ) - 山峦目睹, Mountain witnessing
- 峦赌 (luán dǔ) - 山峦赌博, Mountain gambling
- 峦暏 (luán dǔ) - 山峦明亮 (archaic), Mountain brightness
- 峦暏 (luán dǔ) - 山峦暴行 (archaic), Mountain violence
- 峦肚 (luán dù) - 山峦肚子, Mountain belly
- 峦度 (luán dù) - 山峦程度, Mountain degree
- 峦渡 (luán dù) - 山峦渡过, Mountain crossing
- 峦镀 (luán dù) - 山峦镀层, Mountain plating
- 峦妒 (luán dù) - 山峦嫉妒, Mountain jealousy
- 峦杜 (luán dù) - 山峦杜绝, Mountain prevention
- 峦芏 (luán dù) - 山峦芏草, Mountain sedge
- 峦蠹 (luán dù) - 山峦蛀虫, Mountain moths
- 峦肚 (luán dǔ) - 山峦猪肚, Mountain pig stomach
- 峦酘 (luán dòu) - 山峦醇酒, Mountain mellow wine
- 峦斁 (luán dù) - 山峦败坏, Mountain ruin
- 峦阇 (luán dū) - 山峦阇楼, Mountain gate tower
- 峦鍍 (luán dù) - 山峦镀层, Mountain plating (variant)
- 挛都 (luán dū) - 挛缩都市, Contracted city
- 挛嘟 (luán dū) - 挛缩嘟囔声, Contracted murmuring
- 挛督 (luán dū) - 挛缩督促, Contracted supervising
- 挛毒 (luán dú) - 挛缩毒素, Contracted toxin
- 挛读 (luán dú) - 挛缩阅读, Contracted reading
- 挛渎 (luán dú) - 挛缩渎职, Contracted disrespect
- 挛牍 (luán dú) - 挛缩牍片, Contracted tablets
- 挛犊 (luán dú) - 挛缩牛犊, Contracted calves
- 挛独 (luán dú) - 挛缩孤独, Contracted loneliness
- 挛椟 (luán dú) - 挛缩匣子, Contracted boxes
- 挛髑 (luán dú) - 挛缩髑髅, Contracted skulls
- 挛黩 (luán dú) - 挛缩黩武, Contracted warmongering
- 挛笃 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩笃实, Contracted faithfulness
- 挛堵 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩堵塞, Contracted blockage
- 挛睹 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩目睹, Contracted witnessing
- 挛赌 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩赌博, Contracted gambling
- 挛暏 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩明亮 (archaic), Contracted brightness
- 挛暏 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩暴行 (archaic), Contracted violence
- 挛肚 (luán dù) - 挛缩肚子, Contracted belly
- 挛度 (luán dù) - 挛缩程度, Contracted degree
- 挛渡 (luán dù) - 挛缩渡过, Contracted crossing
- 挛镀 (luán dù) - 挛缩镀层, Contracted plating
- 挛妒 (luán dù) - 挛缩嫉妒, Contracted jealousy
- 挛杜 (luán dù) - 挛缩杜绝, Contracted prevention
- 挛芏 (luán dù) - 挛缩芏草, Contracted sedge
- 挛蠹 (luán dù) - 挛缩蛀虫, Contracted moths
- 挛肚 (luán dǔ) - 挛缩猪肚, Contracted pig stomach
- 挛酘 (luán dòu) - 挛缩醇酒, Contracted mellow wine
- 挛斁 (luán dù) - 挛缩败坏, Contracted ruin
- 挛阇 (luán dū) - 挛缩阇楼, Contracted gate tower
- 挛鍍 (luán dù) - 挛缩镀层, Contracted plating (variant)
- 鸾都 (luán dū) - 鸾鸟都市, Phoenix-like bird city
- 鸾嘟 (luán dū) - 鸾鸟嘟囔声, Phoenix-like bird murmuring
- 鸾督 (luán dū) - 鸾鸟督促, Phoenix-like bird supervising
- 鸾毒 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟毒素, Phoenix-like bird poison
- 鸾读 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟阅读, Phoenix-like bird reading
- 鸾渎 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟渎职, Phoenix-like bird disrespect
- 鸾牍 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟牍片, Phoenix-like bird tablets
- 鸾犊 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟牛犊, Phoenix-like bird calves
- 鸾独 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟孤独, Phoenix-like bird loneliness
- 鸾椟 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟匣子, Phoenix-like bird boxes
- 鸾髑 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟髑髅, Phoenix-like bird skulls
- 鸾黩 (luán dú) - 鸾鸟黩武, Phoenix-like bird warmongering
- 鸾笃 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟笃实, Phoenix-like bird faithfulness
- 鸾堵 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟堵塞, Phoenix-like bird blockage
- 鸾睹 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟目睹, Phoenix-like bird witnessing
- 鸾赌 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟赌博, Phoenix-like bird gambling
- 鸾暏 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟明亮 (archaic), Phoenix-like bird brightness
- 鸾暏 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟暴行 (archaic), Phoenix-like bird violence
- 鸾肚 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟肚子, Phoenix-like bird belly
- 鸾度 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟程度, Phoenix-like bird degree
- 鸾渡 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟渡过, Phoenix-like bird crossing
- 鸾镀 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟镀层, Phoenix-like bird plating
- 鸾妒 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟嫉妒, Phoenix-like bird jealousy
- 鸾杜 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟杜绝, Phoenix-like bird prevention
- 鸾芏 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟芏草, Phoenix-like bird sedge
- 鸾蠹 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟蛀虫, Phoenix-like bird moths
- 鸾肚 (luán dǔ) - 鸾鸟猪肚, Phoenix-like bird pig stomach
- 鸾酘 (luán dòu) - 鸾鸟醇酒, Phoenix-like bird mellow wine
- 鸾斁 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟败坏, Phoenix-like bird ruin
- 鸾阇 (luán dū) - 鸾鸟阇楼, Phoenix-like bird gate tower
- 鸾鍍 (luán dù) - 鸾鸟镀层, Phoenix-like bird plating (variant)
- 栾都 (luán dū) - 栾树都市, Koelreuteria tree city
- 栾嘟 (luán dū) - 栾树嘟囔声, Koelreuteria tree murmuring
- 栾督 (luán dū) - 栾树督促, Koelreuteria tree supervising
- 栾毒 (luán dú) - 栾树毒素, Koelreuteria tree poison
- 栾读 (luán dú) - 栾树阅读, Koelreuteria tree reading
- 栾渎 (luán dú) - 栾树渎职, Koelreuteria tree disrespect
- 栾牍 (luán dú) - 栾树牍片, Koelreuteria tree tablets
- 栾犊 (luán dú) - 栾树牛犊, Koelreuteria tree calves
- 栾独 (luán dú) - 栾树孤独, Koelreuteria tree loneliness
- 栾椟 (luán dú) - 栾树匣子, Koelreuteria tree boxes
- 栾髑 (luán dú) - 栾树髑髅, Koelreuteria tree skulls
- 栾黩 (luán dú) - 栾树黩武, Koelreuteria tree warmongering
- 栾笃 (luán dǔ) - 栾树笃实, Koelreuteria tree faithfulness
- 栾堵 (luán dǔ) - 栾树堵塞, Koelreuteria tree blockage
- 栾睹 (luán dǔ) - 栾树目睹, Koelreuteria tree witnessing
- 栾赌 (luán dǔ) - 栾树赌博, Koelreuteria tree gambling
- 栾暏 (luán dǔ) - 栾树明亮 (archaic), Koelreuteria tree brightness
- 栾暏 (luán dǔ) - 栾树暴行 (archaic), Koelreuteria tree violence
- 栾肚 (luán dù) - 栾树肚子, Koelreuteria tree belly
- 栾度 (luán dù) - 栾树程度, Koelreuteria tree degree
- 栾渡 (luán dù) - 栾树渡过, Koelreuteria tree crossing
- 栾镀 (luán dù) - 栾树镀层, Koelreuteria tree plating
- 栾妒 (luán dù) - 栾树嫉妒, Koelreuteria tree jealousy
- 栾杜 (luán dù) - 栾树杜绝, Koelreuteria tree prevention
- 栾芏 (luán dù) - 栾树芏草, Koelreuteria tree sedge
- 栾蠹 (luán dù) - 栾树蛀虫, Koelreuteria tree moths
- 栾肚 (luán dǔ) - 栾树猪肚, Koelreuteria tree pig stomach
- 栾酘 (luán dòu) - 栾树醇酒, Koelreuteria tree mellow wine
- 栾斁 (luán dù) - 栾树败坏, Koelreuteria tree ruin
- 栾阇 (luán dū) - 栾树阇楼, Koelreuteria tree gate tower
- 栾鍍 (luán dù) - 栾树镀层, Koelreuteria tree plating (variant)
- 銮都 (luán dū) - 銮驾都市, Imperial carriage city
- 銮嘟 (luán dū) - 銮驾嘟囔声, Imperial carriage murmuring
- 銮督 (luán dū) - 銮驾督促, Imperial carriage supervising
- 銮毒 (luán dú) - 銮驾毒素, Imperial carriage poison
- 銮读 (luán dú) - 銮驾阅读, Imperial carriage reading
- 銮渎 (luán dú) - 銮驾渎职, Imperial carriage disrespect
- 銮牍 (luán dú) - 銮驾牍片, Imperial carriage tablets
- 銮犊 (luán dú) - 銮驾牛犊, Imperial carriage calves
- 銮独 (luán dú) - 銮驾孤独, Imperial carriage loneliness
- 銮椟 (luán dú) - 銮驾匣子, Imperial carriage boxes
- 銮髑 (luán dú) - 銮驾髑髅, Imperial carriage skulls
- 銮黩 (luán dú) - 銮驾黩武, Imperial carriage warmongering
- 銮笃 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾笃实, Imperial carriage faithfulness
- 銮堵 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾堵塞, Imperial carriage blockage
- 銮睹 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾目睹, Imperial carriage witnessing
- 銮赌 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾赌博, Imperial carriage gambling
- 銮暏 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾明亮 (archaic), Imperial carriage brightness
- 銮暏 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾暴行 (archaic), Imperial carriage violence
- 銮肚 (luán dù) - 銮驾肚子, Imperial carriage belly
- 銮度 (luán dù) - 銮驾程度, Imperial carriage degree
- 銮渡 (luán dù) - 銮驾渡过, Imperial carriage crossing
- 銮镀 (luán dù) - 銮驾镀层, Imperial carriage plating
- 銮妒 (luán dù) - 銮驾嫉妒, Imperial carriage jealousy
- 銮杜 (luán dù) - 銮驾杜绝, Imperial carriage prevention
- 銮芏 (luán dù) - 銮驾芏草, Imperial carriage sedge
- 銮蠹 (luán dù) - 銮驾蛀虫, Imperial carriage moths
- 銮肚 (luán dǔ) - 銮驾猪肚, Imperial carriage pig stomach
- 銮酘 (luán dòu) - 銮驾醇酒, Imperial carriage mellow wine
- 銮斁 (luán dù) - 銮驾败坏, Imperial carriage ruin
- 銮阇 (luán dū) - 銮驾阇楼, Imperial carriage gate tower
- 銮鍍 (luán dù) - 銮驾镀层, Imperial carriage plating (variant)
- 滦都 (luán dū) - 滦河都市, Luan River city
- 滦嘟 (luán dū) - 滦河嘟囔声, Luan River murmuring
- 滦督 (luán dū) - 滦河督促, Luan River supervising
- 滦毒 (luán dú) - 滦河毒素, Luan River poison
- 滦读 (luán dú) - 滦河阅读, Luan River reading
- 滦渎 (luán dú) - 滦河渎职, Luan River disrespect
- 滦牍 (luán dú) - 滦河牍片, Luan River tablets
- 滦犊 (luán dú) - 滦河牛犊, Luan River calves
- 滦独 (luán dú) - 滦河孤独, Luan River loneliness
- 滦椟 (luán dú) - 滦河匣子, Luan River boxes
- 滦髑 (luán dú) - 滦河髑髅, Luan River skulls
- 滦黩 (luán dú) - 滦河黩武, Luan River warmongering
- 滦笃 (luán dǔ) - 滦河笃实, Luan River faithfulness
- 滦堵 (luán dǔ) - 滦河堵塞, Luan River blockage
- 滦睹 (luán dǔ) - 滦河目睹, Luan River witnessing
- 滦赌 (luán dǔ) - 滦河赌博, Luan River gambling
- 滦暏 (luán dǔ) - 滦河明亮 (archaic), Luan River brightness
- 滦暏 (luán dǔ) - 滦河暴行 (archaic), Luan River violence
- 滦肚 (luán dù) - 滦河肚子, Luan River belly
- 滦度 (luán dù) - 滦河程度, Luan River degree
- 滦渡 (luán dù) - 滦河渡过, Luan River crossing
- 滦镀 (luán dù) - 滦河镀层, Luan River plating
- 滦妒 (luán dù) - 滦河嫉妒, Luan River jealousy
- 滦杜 (luán dù) - 滦河杜绝, Luan River prevention
- 滦芏 (luán dù) - 滦河芏草, Luan River sedge
- 滦蠹 (luán dù) - 滦河蛀虫, Luan River moths
- 滦肚 (luán dǔ) - 滦河猪肚, Luan River pig stomach
- 滦酘 (luán dòu) - 滦河醇酒, Luan River mellow wine
- 滦斁 (luán dù) - 滦河败坏, Luan River ruin
- 滦阇 (luán dū) - 滦河阇楼, Luan River gate tower
- 滦鍍 (luán dù) - 滦河镀层, Luan River plating (variant)
- 孪都 (luán dū) - 孪生都市, Twin city
- 孪嘟 (luán dū) - 孪生嘟囔声, Twin murmuring
- 孪督 (luán dū) - 孪生督促, Twin supervising
- 孪毒 (luán dú) - 孪生毒素, Twin poison
- 孪读 (luán dú) - 孪生阅读, Twin reading
- 孪渎 (luán dú) - 孪生渎职, Twin disrespect
- 孪牍 (luán dú) - 孪生牍片, Twin tablets
- 孪犊 (luán dú) - 孪生牛犊, Twin calves
- 孪独 (luán dú) - 孪生孤独, Twin loneliness
- 孪椟 (luán dú) - 孪生匣子, Twin boxes
- 孪髑 (luán dú) - 孪生髑髅, Twin skulls
- 孪黩 (luán dú) - 孪生黩武, Twin warmongering
- 孪笃 (luán dǔ) - 孪生笃实, Twin faithfulness
- 孪堵 (luán dǔ) - 孪生堵塞, Twin blockage
- 孪睹 (luán dǔ) - 孪生目睹, Twin witnessing
- 孪赌 (luán dǔ) - 孪生赌博, Twin gambling
- 孪暏 (luán dǔ) - 孪生明亮 (archaic), Twin brightness
- 孪暏 (luán dǔ) - 孪生暴行 (archaic), Twin violence
- 孪肚 (luán dù) - 孪生肚子, Twin belly
- 孪度 (luán dù) - 孪生程度, Twin degree
- 孪渡 (luán dù) - 孪生渡过, Twin crossing
- 孪镀 (luán dù) - 孪生镀层, Twin plating
- 孪妒 (luán dù) - 孪生嫉妒, Twin jealousy
- 孪杜 (luán dù) - 孪生杜绝, Twin prevention
- 孪芏 (luán dù) - 孪生芏草, Twin sedge
- 孪蠹 (luán dù) - 孪生蛀虫, Twin moths
- 孪肚 (luán dǔ) - 孪生猪肚, Twin pig stomach
- 孪酘 (luán dòu) - 孪生醇酒, Twin mellow wine
- 孪斁 (luán dù) - 孪生败坏, Twin ruin
- 孪阇 (luán dū) - 孪生阇楼, Twin gate tower
- 孪鍍 (luán dù) - 孪生镀层, Twin plating (variant)
- 娈都 (luán dū) - 娈童都市, Beautiful boy city
- 娈嘟 (luán dū) - 娈童嘟囔声, Beautiful boy murmuring
- 娈督 (luán dū) - 娈童督促, Beautiful boy supervising
- 娈毒 (luán dú) - 娈童毒害, Beautiful boy poison
- 娈读 (luán dú) - 娈童阅读, Beautiful boy reading
- 娈渎 (luán dú) - 娈童渎职, Beautiful boy disrespect
- 娈牍 (luán dú) - 娈童牍片, Beautiful boy tablets
- 娈犊 (luán dú) - 娈童牛犊, Beautiful boy calves
- 娈独 (luán dú) - 娈童孤独, Beautiful boy loneliness
- 娈椟 (luán dú) - 娈童匣子, Beautiful boy boxes
- 娈髑 (luán dú) - 娈童髑髅, Beautiful boy skulls
- 娈黩 (luán dú) - 娈童黩武, Beautiful boy warmongering
- 娈笃 (luán dǔ) - 娈童笃实, Beautiful boy faithfulness
- 娈堵 (luán dǔ) - 娈童堵塞, Beautiful boy blockage
- 娈睹 (luán dǔ) - 娈童目睹, Beautiful boy witnessing
- 娈赌 (luán dǔ) - 娈童赌博, Beautiful boy gambling
- 娈暏 (luán dǔ) - 娈童明亮 (archaic), Beautiful boy brightness
- 娈暏 (luán dǔ) - 娈童暴行 (archaic), Beautiful boy violence
- 娈肚 (luán dù) - 娈童肚子, Beautiful boy belly
- 娈度 (luán dù) - 娈童程度, Beautiful boy degree
- 娈渡 (luán dù) - 娈童渡过, Beautiful boy crossing
- 娈镀 (luán dù) - 娈童镀层, Beautiful boy plating
- 娈妒 (luán dù) - 娈童嫉妒, Beautiful boy jealousy
- 娈杜 (luán dù) - 娈童杜绝, Beautiful boy prevention
- 娈芏 (luán dù) - 娈童芏草, Beautiful boy sedge
- 娈蠹 (luán dù) - 娈童蛀虫, Beautiful boy moths
- 娈肚 (luán dǔ) - 娈童猪肚, Beautiful boy pig stomach
- 娈酘 (luán dòu) - 娈童醇酒, Beautiful boy mellow wine
- 娈斁 (luán dù) - 娈童败坏, Beautiful boy ruin
- 娈阇 (luán dū) - 娈童阇楼, Beautiful boy gate tower
- 娈鍍 (luán dù) - 娈童镀层, Beautiful boy plating (variant)
- 銮都 (luán dū) - 铃铛都市, Bell city
- 銮嘟 (luán dū) - 铃铛嘟囔声, Bell murmuring
- 銮督 (luán dū) - 铃铛督促, Bell supervising
- 銮毒 (luán dú) - 铃铛毒素, Bell poison
- 銮读 (luán dú) - 铃铛阅读, Bell reading
- 銮渎 (luán dú) - 铃铛渎职, Bell disrespect
- 銮牍 (luán dú) - 铃铛牍片, Bell tablets
- 銮犊 (luán dú) - 铃铛牛犊, Bell calves
- 銮独 (luán dú) - 铃铛孤独, Bell loneliness
- 銮椟 (luán dú) - 铃铛匣子, Bell boxes
- 銮髑 (luán dú) - 铃铛髑髅, Bell skulls
- 銮黩 (luán dú) - 铃铛黩武, Bell warmongering
- 銮笃 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛笃实, Bell faithfulness
- 銮堵 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛堵塞, Bell blockage
- 銮睹 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛目睹, Bell witnessing
- 銮赌 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛赌博, Bell gambling
- 銮暏 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛明亮 (archaic), Bell brightness
- 銮暏 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛暴行 (archaic), Bell violence
- 銮肚 (luán dù) - 铃铛肚子, Bell belly
- 銮度 (luán dù) - 铃铛程度, Bell degree
- 銮渡 (luán dù) - 铃铛渡过, Bell crossing
- 銮镀 (luán dù) - 铃铛镀层, Bell plating
- 銮妒 (luán dù) - 铃铛嫉妒, Bell jealousy
- 銮杜 (luán dù) - 铃铛杜绝, Bell prevention
- 銮芏 (luán dù) - 铃铛芏草, Bell sedge
- 銮蠹 (luán dù) - 铃铛蛀虫, Bell moths
- 銮肚 (luán dǔ) - 铃铛猪肚, Bell pig stomach
- 銮酘 (luán dòu) - 铃铛醇酒, Bell mellow wine
- 銮斁 (luán dù) - 铃铛败坏, Bell ruin
- 銮阇 (luán dū) - 铃铛阇楼, Bell gate tower
- 銮鍍 (luán dù) - 铃铛镀层, Bell plating (variant)
- 圞都 (luán dū) - 圆形都市, Round city
- 圞嘟 (luán dū) - 圆形嘟囔声, Round murmuring
- 圞督 (luán dū) - 圆形督促, Round supervising
- 圞毒 (luán dú) - 圆形毒素, Round poison
- 圞读 (luán dú) - 圆形阅读, Round reading
- 圞渎 (luán dú) - 圆形渎职, Round disrespect
- 圞牍 (luán dú) - 圆形牍片, Round tablets
- 圞犊 (luán dú) - 圆形牛犊, Round calves
- 圞独 (luán dú) - 圆形孤独, Round loneliness
- 圞椟 (luán dú) - 圆形匣子, Round boxes
- 圞髑 (luán dú) - 圆形髑髅, Round skulls
- 圞黩 (luán dú) - 圆形黩武, Round warmongering
- 圞笃 (luán dǔ) - 圆形笃实, Round faithfulness
- 圞堵 (luán dǔ) - 圆形堵塞, Round blockage
- 圞睹 (luán dǔ) - 圆形目睹, Round witnessing
- 圞赌 (luán dǔ) - 圆形赌博, Round gambling
- 圞暏 (luán dǔ) - 圆形明亮 (archaic), Round brightness
- 圞暏 (luán dǔ) - 圆形暴行 (archaic), Round violence
- 圞肚 (luán dù) - 圆形肚子, Round belly
- 圞度 (luán dù) - 圆形程度, Round degree
- 圞渡 (luán dù) - 圆形渡过, Round crossing
- 圞镀 (luán dù) - 圆形镀层, Round plating
- 圞妒 (luán dù) - 圆形嫉妒, Round jealousy
- 圞杜 (luán dù) - 圆形杜绝, Round prevention
- 圞芏 (luán dù) - 圆形芏草, Round sedge
- 圞蠹 (luán dù) - 圆形蛀虫, Round moths
- 圞肚 (luán dǔ) - 圆形猪肚, Round pig stomach
- 圞酘 (luán dòu) - 圆形醇酒, Round mellow wine
- 圞斁 (luán dù) - 圆形败坏, Round ruin
- 圞阇 (luán dū) - 圆形阇楼, Round gate tower
- 圞鍍 (luán dù) - 圆形镀层, Round plating (variant)
- 脔都 (luán dū) - 肉块都市, Meat chunk city
- 脔嘟 (luán dū) - 肉块嘟囔声, Meat chunk murmuring
- 脔督 (luán dū) - 肉块督促, Meat chunk supervising
- 脔毒 (luán dú) - 肉块毒素, Meat chunk poison
- 脔读 (luán dú) - 肉块阅读, Meat chunk reading
- 脔渎 (luán dú) - 肉块渎职, Meat chunk disrespect
- 脔牍 (luán dú) - 肉块牍片, Meat chunk tablets
- 脔犊 (luán dú) - 肉块牛犊, Meat chunk calves
- 脔独 (luán dú) - 肉块孤独, Meat chunk loneliness
- 脔椟 (luán dú) - 肉块匣子, Meat chunk boxes
- 脔髑 (luán dú) - 肉块髑髅, Meat chunk skulls
- 脔黩 (luán dú) - 肉块黩武, Meat chunk warmongering
- 脔笃 (luán dǔ) - 肉块笃实, Meat chunk faithfulness
- 脔堵 (luán dǔ) - 肉块堵塞, Meat chunk blockage
- 脔睹 (luán dǔ) - 肉块目睹, Meat chunk witnessing
- 脔赌 (luán dǔ) - 肉块赌博, Meat chunk gambling
- 脔暏 (luán dǔ) - 肉块明亮 (archaic), Meat chunk brightness
- 脔暏 (luán dǔ) - 肉块暴行 (archaic), Meat chunk violence
- 脔肚 (luán dù) - 肉块肚子, Meat chunk belly
- 脔度 (luán dù) - 肉块程度, Meat chunk degree
- 脔渡 (luán dù) - 肉块渡过, Meat chunk crossing
- 脔镀 (luán dù) - 肉块镀层, Meat chunk plating
- 脔妒 (luán dù) - 肉块嫉妒, Meat chunk jealousy
- 脔杜 (luán dù) - 肉块杜绝, Meat chunk prevention
- 脔芏 (luán dù) - 肉块芏草, Meat chunk sedge
- 脔蠹 (luán dù) - 肉块蛀虫, Meat chunk moths
- 脔肚 (luán dǔ) - 肉块猪肚, Meat chunk pig stomach
- 脔酘 (luán dòu) - 肉块醇酒, Meat chunk mellow wine
- 脔斁 (luán dù) - 肉块败坏, Meat chunk ruin
- 脔阇 (luán dū) - 肉块阇楼, Meat chunk gate tower
- 脔鍍 (luán dù) - 肉块镀层, Meat chunk plating (variant)
- 灓都 (luán dū) - 漩涡都市, Swirling city
- 灓嘟 (luán dū) - 漩涡嘟囔声, Swirling murmuring
- 灓督 (luán dū) - 漩涡督促, Swirling supervising
- 灓毒 (luán dú) - 漩涡毒素, Swirling poison
- 灓读 (luán dú) - 漩涡阅读, Swirling reading
- 灓渎 (luán dú) - 漩涡渎职, Swirling disrespect
- 灓牍 (luán dú) - 漩涡牍片, Swirling tablets
- 灓犊 (luán dú) - 漩涡牛犊, Swirling calves
- 灓独 (luán dú) - 漩涡孤独, Swirling loneliness
- 灓椟 (luán dú) - 漩涡匣子, Swirling boxes
- 灓髑 (luán dú) - 漩涡髑髅, Swirling skulls
- 灓黩 (luán dú) - 漩涡黩武, Swirling warmongering
- 灓笃 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡笃实, Swirling faithfulness
- 灓堵 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡堵塞, Swirling blockage
- 灓睹 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡目睹, Swirling witnessing
- 灓赌 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡赌博, Swirling gambling
- 灓暏 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡明亮 (archaic), Swirling brightness
- 灓暏 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡暴行 (archaic), Swirling violence
- 灓肚 (luán dù) - 漩涡肚子, Swirling belly
- 灓度 (luán dù) - 漩涡程度, Swirling degree
- 灓渡 (luán dù) - 漩涡渡过, Swirling crossing
- 灓镀 (luán dù) - 漩涡镀层, Swirling plating
- 灓妒 (luán dù) - 漩涡嫉妒, Swirling jealousy
- 灓杜 (luán dù) - 漩涡杜绝, Swirling prevention
- 灓芏 (luán dù) - 漩涡芏草, Swirling sedge
- 灓蠹 (luán dù) - 漩涡蛀虫, Swirling moths
- 灓肚 (luán dǔ) - 漩涡猪肚, Swirling pig stomach
- 灓酘 (luán dòu) - 漩涡醇酒, Swirling mellow wine
- 灓斁 (luán dù) - 漩涡败坏, Swirling ruin
- 灓阇 (luán dū) - 漩涡阇楼, Swirling gate tower
- 灓鍍 (luán dù) - 漩涡镀层, Swirling plating (variant)
- 羉都 (luán dū) - 细网都市, Fine net city
- 羉嘟 (luán dū) - 细网嘟囔声, Fine net murmuring
- 羉督 (luán dū) - 细网督促, Fine net supervising
- 羉毒 (luán dú) - 细网毒素, Fine net poison
- 羉读 (luán dú) - 细网阅读, Fine net reading
- 羉渎 (luán dú) - 细网渎职, Fine net disrespect
- 羉牍 (luán dú) - 细网牍片, Fine net tablets
- 羉犊 (luán dú) - 细网牛犊, Fine net calves
- 羉独 (luán dú) - 细网孤独, Fine net loneliness
- 羉椟 (luán dú) - 细网匣子, Fine net boxes
- 羉髑 (luán dú) - 细网髑髅, Fine net skulls
- 羉黩 (luán dú) - 细网黩武, Fine net warmongering
- 羉笃 (luán dǔ) - 细网笃实, Fine net faithfulness
- 羉堵 (luán dǔ) - 细网堵塞, Fine net blockage
- 羉睹 (luán dǔ) - 细网目睹, Fine net witnessing
- 羉赌 (luán dǔ) - 细网赌博, Fine net gambling
- 羉暏 (luán dǔ) - 细网明亮 (archaic), Fine net brightness
- 羉暏 (luán dǔ) - 细网暴行 (archaic), Fine net violence
- 羉肚 (luán dù) - 细网肚子, Fine net belly
- 羉度 (luán dù) - 细网程度, Fine net degree
- 羉渡 (luán dù) - 细网渡过, Fine net crossing
- 羉镀 (luán dù) - 细网镀层, Fine net plating
- 羉妒 (luán dù) - 细网嫉妒, Fine net jealousy
- 羉杜 (luán dù) - 细网杜绝, Fine net prevention
- 羉芏 (luán dù) - 细网芏草, Fine net sedge
- 羉蠹 (luán dù) - 细网蛀虫, Fine net moths
- 羉肚 (luán dǔ) - 细网猪肚, Fine net pig stomach
- 羉酘 (luán dòu) - 细网醇酒, Fine net mellow wine
- 羉斁 (luán dù) - 细网败坏, Fine net ruin
- 羉阇 (luán dū) - 细网阇楼, Fine net gate tower
- 羉鍍 (luán dù) - 细网镀层, Fine net plating (variant)
- 癴都 (luán dū) - 弯曲都市, Curved city
- 癴嘟 (luán dū) - 弯曲嘟囔声, Curved murmuring
- 癴督 (luán dū) - 弯曲督促, Curved supervising
- 癴毒 (luán dú) - 弯曲毒素, Curved poison
- 癴读 (luán dú) - 弯曲阅读, Curved reading
- 癴渎 (luán dú) - 弯曲渎职, Curved disrespect
- 癴牍 (luán dú) - 弯曲牍片, Curved tablets
- 癴犊 (luán dú) - 弯曲牛犊, Curved calves
- 癴独 (luán dú) - 弯曲孤独, Curved loneliness
- 癴椟 (luán dú) - 弯曲匣子, Curved boxes
- 癴髑 (luán dú) - 弯曲髑髅, Curved skulls
- 癴黩 (luán dú) - 弯曲黩武, Curved warmongering
- 癴笃 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲笃实, Curved faithfulness
- 癴堵 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲堵塞, Curved blockage
- 癴睹 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲目睹, Curved witnessing
- 癴赌 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲赌博, Curved gambling
- 癴暏 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲明亮 (archaic), Curved brightness
- 癴暏 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲暴行 (archaic), Curved violence
- 癴肚 (luán dù) - 弯曲肚子, Curved belly
- 癴度 (luán dù) - 弯曲程度, Curved degree
- 癴渡 (luán dù) - 弯曲渡过, Curved crossing
- 癴镀 (luán dù) - 弯曲镀层, Curved plating
- 癴妒 (luán dù) - 弯曲嫉妒, Curved jealousy
- 癴杜 (luán dù) - 弯曲杜绝, Curved prevention
- 癴芏 (luán dù) - 弯曲芏草, Curved sedge
- 癴蠹 (luán dù) - 弯曲蛀虫, Curved moths
- 癴肚 (luán dǔ) - 弯曲猪肚, Curved pig stomach
- 癴酘 (luán dòu) - 弯曲醇酒, Curved mellow wine
- 癴斁 (luán dù) - 弯曲败坏, Curved ruin
- 癴阇 (luán dū) - 弯曲阇楼, Curved gate tower
- 癴鍍 (luán dù) - 弯曲镀层, Curved plating (variant)
- 臠都 (luán dū) - 肉块都市, Meat piece city (variant)
- 臠嘟 (luán dū) - 肉块嘟囔声, Meat piece murmuring (variant)
- 臠督 (luán dū) - 肉块督促, Meat piece supervising (variant)
- 臠毒 (luán dú) - 肉块毒素, Meat piece poison (variant)
- 臠读 (luán dú) - 肉块阅读, Meat piece reading (variant)
- 臠渎 (luán dú) - 肉块渎职, Meat piece disrespect (variant)
- 臠牍 (luán dú) - 肉块牍片, Meat piece tablets (variant)
- 臠犊 (luán dú) - 肉块牛犊, Meat piece calves (variant)
- 臠独 (luán dú) - 肉块孤独, Meat piece loneliness (variant)
- 臠椟 (luán dú) - 肉块匣子, Meat piece boxes (variant)
- 臠髑 (luán dú) - 肉块髑髅, Meat piece skulls (variant)
- 臠黩 (luán dú) - 肉块黩武, Meat piece warmongering (variant)
- 臠笃 (luán dǔ) - 肉块笃实, Meat piece faithfulness (variant)
- 臠堵 (luán dǔ) - 肉块堵塞, Meat piece blockage (variant)
- 臠睹 (luán dǔ) - 肉块目睹, Meat piece witnessing (variant)
- 臠赌 (luán dǔ) - 肉块赌博, Meat piece gambling (variant)
- 臠暏 (luán dǔ) - 肉块明亮 (archaic), Meat piece brightness (variant)
- 臠暏 (luán dǔ) - 肉块暴行 (archaic), Meat piece violence (variant)
- 臠肚 (luán dù) - 肉块肚子, Meat piece belly (variant)
- 臠度 (luán dù) - 肉块程度, Meat piece degree (variant)
- 臠渡 (luán dù) - 肉块渡过, Meat piece crossing (variant)
- 臠镀 (luán dù) - 肉块镀层, Meat piece plating (variant)
- 臠妒 (luán dù) - 肉块嫉妒, Meat piece jealousy (variant)
- 臠杜 (luán dù) - 肉块杜绝, Meat piece prevention (variant)
- 臠芏 (luán dù) - 肉块芏草, Meat piece sedge (variant)
- 臠蠹 (luán dù) - 肉块蛀虫, Meat piece moths (variant)
- 臠肚 (luán dǔ) - 肉块猪肚, Meat piece pig stomach (variant)
- 臠酘 (luán dòu) - 肉块醇酒, Meat piece mellow wine (variant)
- 臠斁 (luán dù) - 肉块败坏, Meat piece ruin (variant)
- 臠阇 (luán dū) - 肉块阇楼, Meat piece gate tower (variant)
- 臠鍍 (luán dù) - 肉块镀层, Meat piece plating (variant)
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