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  1. 拴 (shuān) - 用绳子系住,捆绑。 - To tie, to fasten with a rope. - To tether, to tie up.
  2. 栓 (shuān) - 器物上可以开关的机件;塞子,堵塞用的东西。 - Component on objects that can be opened and closed; plug, something used for plugging. - Bolt, plug, stopper.
  3. 闩 (shuān) - 门、窗等上横的插销。 - Horizontal latch or bolt for doors, windows, etc. - Bolt, latch.
  4. 涮 (shuàn) - 把食物放在开水里烫一下就取出来吃。 - To cook food briefly in boiling water. - To rinse, to scald (food in boiling water).


  1. 朱 (zhū) - 红色;姓氏。 - Red color; a surname. - Vermilion, red.
  2. 邾 (zhū) - 古国名。 - Name of an ancient state.
  3. 洙 (zhū) - 水名,洙水。 - Name of a river, the Zhu River.
  4. 茱 (zhū) - 植物名,茱萸。 - Plant name, evodia.
  5. 株 (zhū) - 露出地面的树根;量词,用于植物。 - Tree trunk with roots; measure word for plants. - Tree trunk, root, measure word for plants.
  6. 铢 (zhū) - 古代很小的重量单位。 - Ancient small unit of weight. - Zhu (ancient unit of weight).
  7. 蛛 (zhū) - 蜘蛛。 - Spider. - Spider.
  8. 猪 (zhū) - 家畜名,猪。 - Domestic animal name, pig. - Pig, swine.
  9. 潴 (zhū) - 积水。 - To accumulate water. - To retain water, to flood.
  10. 橥 (zhū) - 木牌;标帜。 - Wooden sign; marker, sign. - Signpost, mark.
  11. 术 (zhū) - 中药名,白术、苍术。 - Chinese medicine name, Atractylodes macrocephala, Atractylodes lancea. (Note: pronunciation usually shù).
  12. 伫 (zhù) - 长时间地站着。 - To stand for a long time. - To stand for a long time, to wait.
  13. 苎 (zhù) - 植物名,苎麻。 - Plant name, ramie. - Ramie.
  14. 纻 (zhù) - 苎麻织成的布或麻绳。 - Cloth or hemp rope made of ramie. - Ramie fabric.
  15. 注 (zhù) - 灌注,注入;解释,说明;集中,倾注。 - To pour, to inject; to explain, to annotate; to concentrate, to devote. - To pour, to note, to explain.
  16. 驻 (zhù) - 停留, останавливаться。 - To stop, to halt, to be stationed. - To station, to halt, to reside.
  17. 柱 (zhù) - 建筑物中直立的起支撑作用的构件。 - Upright supporting member in a building, column. - Pillar, column, post.
  18. 炷 (zhù) - 量词,用于线香、蜡烛。 - Measure word for incense sticks, candles. - (Measure word for incense/candle).
  19. 蛀 (zhù) - 虫子咬坏东西。 - To be damaged by insects, to bore. - To bore (insects), moth-eaten.
  20. 铸 (zhù) - 把熔化的金属倒入模子里制成器物。 - To cast metal objects in a mold. - To cast (metal).
  21. 筑 (zhù) - 修盖,建造。 - To build, to construct. - To build, to construct.
  22. 箸 (zhù) - 筷子。 - Chopsticks. - Chopsticks.
  23. 翥 (zhù) - 鸟向上飞。 - Birds flying upward. - To soar.
  24. 祝 (zhù) - 表示美好的愿望;祭祀时向神祈求。 - To express good wishes; to pray to gods during sacrifices. - To wish, to pray, to bless.
  25. 疰 (zhù) - 病名,疰夏。 - Name of a disease, zhùxià (summer sickness).
  26. 紵 (zhù) - 粗麻布。 - Coarse linen cloth. - Coarse linen.
  27. 著 (zhù) - 显明,显著;著作,作品。 - Obvious, remarkable; writing, works. - Obvious, write, work, book (note: pronunciation can be zhe/zhao also)
  28. 贮 (zhù) - 存放,储藏。 - To store, to reserve, to deposit. - To store up, to deposit.
  29. 伫 (zhù) - 同“伫”。 - Same as “伫”.
  30. 灟 (zhù) - 水名。 - Name of a river.


  1. 拴朱 - 捆绑红色。 - To tie red.
  2. 拴邾 - 捆绑邾 (古国名)。 - To tie Zhu (ancient state name).
  3. 拴洙 - 捆绑洙 (水名)。 - To tie Zhu (river name).
  4. 拴茱 - 捆绑茱萸 (植物名)。 - To tie evodia (plant name).
  5. 拴株 - 捆绑树株。 - To tie tree trunk/plant.
  6. 拴铢 - 捆绑铢 (重量单位)。 - To tie zhu (weight unit).
  7. 拴蛛 - 捆绑蜘蛛。 - To tie spider.
  8. 拴猪 - 捆绑猪。 - To tie pig.
  9. 拴潴 - 捆绑积水。 - To tie retained water.
  10. 拴橥 - 捆绑木牌。 - To tie wooden sign.
  11. 拴术 - 捆绑术 (中药名)。 - To tie Shu (Chinese medicine name).
  12. 拴伫 - 捆绑伫立。 - To tie standing for long.
  13. 拴苎 - 捆绑苎麻 (植物名)。 - To tie ramie (plant name).
  14. 拴纻 - 捆绑苎麻布。 - To tie ramie cloth.
  15. 拴注 - 捆绑注入。 - To tie pour into.
  16. 拴驻 - 捆绑驻扎。 - To tie to station/reside.
  17. 拴柱 - 捆绑柱子。 - To tie pillar.
  18. 拴炷 - 捆绑炷 (量词)。 - To tie Zhu (measure word).
  19. 拴蛀 - 捆绑蛀虫。 - To tie to be bored by insects.
  20. 拴铸 - 捆绑铸造。 - To tie to cast.
  21. 拴筑 - 捆绑建筑。 - To tie to build.
  22. 拴箸 - 捆绑筷子。 - To tie chopsticks.
  23. 拴翥 - 捆绑飞翥。 - To tie to soar.
  24. 拴祝 - 捆绑祝福。 - To tie to bless.
  25. 拴疰 - 捆绑疰夏 (病名)。 - To tie zhuxia (disease name).
  26. 拴紵 - 捆绑粗麻布。 - To tie coarse linen.
  27. 拴著 - 捆绑显著。 - To tie remarkable/obvious.
  28. 拴贮 - 捆绑贮藏。 - To tie to store up.
  29. 拴伫 - 捆绑伫立。 - To tie to stand for long time (repeated word).
  30. 拴灟 - 捆绑灟水 (水名)。 - To tie Zhu (river name).
  31. 栓朱 - 栓塞红色。 - Plug red.
  32. 栓邾 - 栓塞邾 (古国名)。 - Plug Zhu (ancient state name).
  33. 栓洙 - 栓塞洙 (水名)。 - Plug Zhu (river name).
  34. 栓茱 - 栓塞茱萸 (植物名)。 - Plug evodia (plant name).
  35. 栓株 - 栓塞树株。 - Plug tree trunk/plant.
  36. 栓铢 - 栓塞铢 (重量单位)。 - Plug zhu (weight unit).
  37. 栓蛛 - 栓塞蜘蛛。 - Plug spider.
  38. 栓猪 - 栓塞猪。 - Plug pig.
  39. 栓潴 - 栓塞积水。 - Plug retained water.
  40. 栓橥 - 栓塞木牌。 - Plug wooden sign.
  41. 栓术 - 栓塞术 (中药名)。 - Plug Shu (Chinese medicine name).
  42. 栓伫 - 栓塞伫立。 - Plug standing for long.
  43. 栓苎 - 栓塞苎麻 (植物名)。 - Plug ramie (plant name).
  44. 栓纻 - 栓塞苎麻布。 - Plug ramie cloth.
  45. 栓注 - 栓塞注入。 - Plug pour into.
  46. 栓驻 - 栓塞驻扎。 - Plug to station/reside.
  47. 栓柱 - 栓塞柱子。 - Plug pillar.
  48. 栓炷 - 栓塞炷 (量词)。 - Plug Zhu (measure word).
  49. 栓蛀 - 栓塞蛀虫。 - Plug to be bored by insects.
  50. 栓铸 - 栓塞铸造。 - Plug to cast.
  51. 栓筑 - 栓塞建筑。 - Plug to build.
  52. 栓箸 - 栓塞筷子。 - Plug chopsticks.
  53. 栓翥 - 栓塞飞翥。 - Plug to soar.
  54. 栓祝 - 栓塞祝福。 - Plug to bless.
  55. 栓疰 - 栓塞疰夏 (病名)。 - Plug zhuxia (disease name).
  56. 栓紵 - 栓塞粗麻布。 - Plug coarse linen.
  57. 栓著 - 栓塞显著。 - Plug remarkable/obvious.
  58. 栓贮 - 栓塞贮藏。 - Plug to store up.
  59. 栓伫 - 栓塞伫立。 - Plug to stand for long time (repeated word).
  60. 栓灟 - 栓塞灟水 (水名)。 - Plug Zhu (river name).
  61. 闩朱 - 门闩红色。 - Latch red.
  62. 闩邾 - 门闩邾 (古国名)。 - Latch Zhu (ancient state name).
  63. 闩洙 - 门闩洙 (水名)。 - Latch Zhu (river name).
  64. 闩茱 - 门闩茱萸 (植物名)。 - Latch evodia (plant name).
  65. 闩株 - 门闩树株。 - Latch tree trunk/plant.
  66. 闩铢 - 门闩铢 (重量单位)。 - Latch zhu (weight unit).
  67. 闩蛛 - 门闩蜘蛛。 - Latch spider.
  68. 闩猪 - 门闩猪。 - Latch pig.
  69. 闩潴 - 门闩积水。 - Latch retained water.
  70. 闩橥 - 门闩木牌。 - Latch wooden sign.
  71. 闩术 - 门闩术 (中药名)。 - Latch Shu (Chinese medicine name).
  72. 闩伫 - 门闩伫立。 - Latch standing for long.
  73. 闩苎 - 门闩苎麻 (植物名)。 - Latch ramie (plant name).
  74. 闩纻 - 门闩苎麻布。 - Latch ramie cloth.
  75. 闩注 - 门闩注入。 - Latch pour into.
  76. 闩驻 - 门闩驻扎。 - Latch to station/reside.
  77. 闩柱 - 门闩柱子。 - Latch pillar.
  78. 闩炷 - 门闩炷 (量词)。 - Latch Zhu (measure word).
  79. 闩蛀 - 门闩蛀虫。 - Latch to be bored by insects.
  80. 闩铸 - 门闩铸造。 - Latch to cast.
  81. 闩筑 - 门闩建筑。 - Latch to build.
  82. 闩箸 - 门闩筷子。 - Latch chopsticks.
  83. 闩翥 - 门闩飞翥。 - Latch to soar.
  84. 闩祝 - 门闩祝福。 - Latch to bless.
  85. 闩疰 - 门闩疰夏 (病名)。 - Latch zhuxia (disease name).
  86. 闩紵 - 门闩粗麻布。 - Latch coarse linen.
  87. 闩著 - 门闩显著。 - Latch remarkable/obvious.
  88. 闩贮 - 门闩贮藏。 - Latch to store up.
  89. 闩伫 - 门闩伫立。 - Latch to stand for long time (repeated word).
  90. 闩灟 - 门闩灟水 (水名)。 - Latch Zhu (river name).
  91. 涮朱 - 涮红色。 - Scald red.
  92. 涮邾 - 涮邾 (古国名)。 - Scald Zhu (ancient state name).
  93. 涮洙 - 涮洙 (水名)。 - Scald Zhu (river name).
  94. 涮茱 - 涮茱萸 (植物名)。 - Scald evodia (plant name).
  95. 涮株 - 涮树株。 - Scald tree trunk/plant.
  96. 涮铢 - 涮铢 (重量单位)。 - Scald zhu (weight unit).
  97. 涮蛛 - 涮蜘蛛。 - Scald spider.
  98. 涮猪 - 涮猪肉。 - Scald pork.
  99. 涮潴 - 涮积水。 - Scald retained water.
  100. 涮橥 - 涮木牌。 - Scald wooden sign.
  101. 涮术 - 涮术 (中药名)。 - Scald Shu (Chinese medicine name).
  102. 涮伫 - 涮伫立。 - Scald standing for long.
  103. 涮苎 - 涮苎麻 (植物名)。 - Scald ramie (plant name).
  104. 涮纻 - 涮苎麻布。 - Scald ramie cloth.
  105. 涮注 - 涮注入。 - Scald pour into.
  106. 涮驻 - 涮驻扎。 - Scald to station/reside.
  107. 涮柱 - 涮柱子。 - Scald pillar.
  108. 涮炷 - 涮炷 (量词)。 - Scald Zhu (measure word).
  109. 涮蛀 - 涮蛀虫。 - Scald to be bored by insects.
  110. 涮铸 - 涮铸造。 - Scald to cast.
  111. 涮筑 - 涮建筑。 - Scald to build.
  112. 涮箸 - 涮筷子。 - Scald chopsticks.
  113. 涮翥 - 涮飞翥。 - Scald to soar.
  114. 涮祝 - 涮祝福。 - Scald blessing.
  115. 涮疰 - 涮疰夏 (病名)。 - Scald zhuxia (disease name).
  116. 涮紵 - 涮粗麻布。 - Scald coarse linen.
  117. 涮著 - 涮显著。 - Scald remarkable/obvious.
  118. 涮贮 - 涮贮藏。 - Scald to store up.
  119. 涮伫 - 涮伫立。 - Scald standing for long time (repeated word).
  120. 涮灟 - 涮灟水 (水名)。 - Scald Zhu (river name).

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