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尊 (zūn) - 敬重;地位或辈分高;用于称呼对方表示尊敬; precious,valuable。 - To respect, to honor; high position or seniority; used to address someone respectfully; precious, valuable. - Respect, honor, revere. 遵 (zūn) - 依照,按照。 - To follow, to abide by, to comply with. - To obey, to follow, to comply with. 樽 (zūn) - 古代盛酒的器具;量词,用于酒。 - Ancient vessel for holding wine; measure word for wine. - Wine vessel, goblet. 噂 (zǔn) - 群言,众议;闲话,议论。 - Public opinion, consensus; gossip, discussion. - Gossip, rumor. 墫 (zūn) - 土墩;土堆。 - Earth mound, earthen heap. - Mound, heap. 第二部分:拼音“nao”的汉字及解释
孬 (nāo) - 坏,不良。 - Bad, not good, inferior. - Bad, awful. 呶 (náo) - 喧哗。 - Noisy, clamorous. - Clamorous. 挠 (náo) - 用手抓;搅动;阻碍,扰乱;屈服,折服。 - To scratch with hand; to stir; to hinder, to disturb; to yield, to subdue. - To scratch, to disturb, to yield. 猱 (náo) - 猴的一种,亦指猿类。 - A type of monkey, also refers to apes. - Monkey, ape. 蛲 (náo) - 蛲虫。 - Pinworm. - Pinworm. 铙 (náo) - 铜制乐器,形状像钲,比钲小。 - Bronze percussion instrument, shaped like a zheng but smaller. - Nao cymbal (ancient percussion instrument). 巎 (náo) - 山名,在今中国四川省境内。 - Mountain name, located in present-day Sichuan Province, China. - Mountain name. 獶 (náo) - 古同“猱”。 - Anciently same as "猱". - Monkey, ape (archaic). 脑 (nǎo) - 脑子,大脑;智慧,思维;像脑髓的东西。 - Brain; intelligence, thinking; something resembling brain. - Brain, mind. 恼 (nǎo) - 生气,发怒;烦闷,烦躁。 - To be angry, to get angry; annoyed, irritable. - Annoyed, irritated, to bother. 瑙 (nǎo) - 玛瑙。 - Agate. - Agate. 孬 (nào) - 怯懦。 - Cowardly, timid. - Cowardly. 闹 (nào) - 吵,喧哗;骚动;戏弄,开玩笑;发生;搞,弄。 - Noisy, clamorous; disturbance; to tease, to joke; to happen, to occur; to do, to make. - Noisy, to make noise, to disturb. 第三部分:拼音“zun”和“nao”的汉字组合词组及解释
尊孬 - 敬重坏。 - Respect bad. 尊呶 - 敬重喧哗。 - Respect clamorous. 尊挠 - 敬重挠动。 - Respect scratching/stirring. 尊猱 - 敬重猱猴。 - Respect monkey. 尊蛲 - 敬重蛲虫。 - Respect pinworm. 尊铙 - 敬重铙钹。 - Respect nao cymbals. 尊巎 - 敬重巎山。 - Respect Mount Nao. 尊獶 - 敬重獶猴。 - Respect monkey (archaic). 尊脑 - 敬重大脑。 - Respect brain/mind. 尊恼 - 敬重恼怒。 - Respect annoyance. 尊瑙 - 敬重玛瑙。 - Respect agate. 尊孬 - 敬重怯懦。 - Respect cowardly. 尊闹 - 敬重热闹。 - Respect noisy. 遵孬 - 遵循坏。 - Follow bad. 遵呶 - 遵循喧哗。 - Follow clamorous. 遵挠 - 遵循挠动。 - Follow scratching/stirring. 遵猱 - 遵循猱猴。 - Follow monkey. 遵蛲 - 遵循蛲虫。 - Follow pinworm. 遵铙 - 遵循铙钹。 - Follow nao cymbals. 遵巎 - 遵循巎山。 - Follow Mount Nao. 遵獶 - 遵循獶猴。 - Follow monkey (archaic). 遵脑 - 遵循大脑。 - Follow brain/mind. 遵恼 - 遵循恼怒。 - Follow annoyance. 遵瑙 - 遵循玛瑙。 - Follow agate. 遵孬 - 遵循怯懦。 - Follow cowardly. 遵闹 - 遵循热闹。 - Follow noisy. 樽孬 - 酒器坏。 - Wine vessel bad. 樽呶 - 酒器喧哗。 - Wine vessel clamorous. 樽挠 - 酒器挠动。 - Wine vessel scratching/stirring. 樽猱 - 酒器猱猴。 - Wine vessel monkey. 樽蛲 - 酒器蛲虫。 - Wine vessel pinworm. 樽铙 - 酒器铙钹。 - Wine vessel nao cymbals. 樽巎 - 酒器巎山。 - Wine vessel Mount Nao. 樽獶 - 酒器獶猴。 - Wine vessel monkey (archaic). 樽脑 - 酒器大脑。 - Wine vessel brain/mind. 樽恼 - 酒器恼怒。 - Wine vessel annoyance. 樽瑙 - 酒器玛瑙。 - Wine vessel agate. 樽孬 - 酒器怯懦。 - Wine vessel cowardly. 樽闹 - 酒器热闹。 - Wine vessel noisy. 噂孬 - 流言坏。 - Gossip bad. 噂呶 - 流言喧哗。 - Gossip clamorous. 噂挠 - 流言挠动。 - Gossip scratching/stirring. 噂猱 - 流言猱猴。 - Gossip monkey. 噂蛲 - 流言蛲虫。 - Gossip pinworm. 噂铙 - 流言铙钹。 - Gossip nao cymbals. 噂巎 - 流言巎山。 - Gossip Mount Nao. 噂獶 - 流言獶猴。 - Gossip monkey (archaic). 噂脑 - 流言大脑。 - Gossip brain/mind. 噂恼 - 流言恼怒。 - Gossip annoyance. 噂瑙 - 流言玛瑙。 - Gossip agate. 噂孬 - 流言怯懦。 - Gossip cowardly. 噂闹 - 流言热闹。 - Gossip noisy. 墫孬 - 土墩坏。 - Earth mound bad. 墫呶 - 土墩喧哗。 - Earth mound clamorous. 墫挠 - 土墩挠动。 - Earth mound scratching/stirring. 墫猱 - 土墩猱猴。 - Earth mound monkey. 墫蛲 - 土墩蛲虫。 - Earth mound pinworm. 墫铙 - 土墩铙钹。 - Earth mound nao cymbals. 墫巎 - 土墩巎山。 - Earth mound Mount Nao. 墫獶 - 土墩獶猴。 - Earth mound monkey (archaic). 墫脑 - 土墩大脑。 - Earth mound brain/mind. 墫恼 - 土墩恼怒。 - Earth mound annoyance. 墫瑙 - 土墩玛瑙。 - Earth mound agate. 墫孬 - 土墩怯懦。 - Earth mound cowardly. 墫闹 - 土墩热闹。 - Earth mound noisy.
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